Considering contemporary landscapes and our visible surroundings with an eye to the invisible: rock art, signs, murals, markings, expressions, and random impressions.
31 December 2020
Nuance and Immediacy v.2020
25 December 2020
After all your "pilgrimage?"
They build these monuments as an aid to memory. What DNA are you? What will remind you to be kind after all your walking, after all your ''pilgrimage?''
In the beginning was the center. In the beginning was a seeker. Yet maybe something could happen to you, naked of light in the middle of your life the Kedu plain now raw stars glowing. Trespass here. Symbols on a wall say Stick with me, in the long run, they say. Come in they say: pacify, magnetize, increase, destroy, Me.
—Anne Waldman, from her poem Diamond Matrix World
(Italics in the original)
Photo: Petroglyph (detail), boulder outcrop, seasonal creek pool. Oregon's Basin and Range, 2019
20 December 2020
Raven and the unmade undrawn unseen unmarked
“Ravens parallel great apes in physical and social cognitive skills” is the title of a paper published December 2020 [2]. The authors in their conclusion:
Our results suggest that ravens are not only social intellects but have also developed sophisticated cognitive skills for dealing with the physical world. Furthermore, their cognitive development was very rapid and their cognitive performance was on par with adult great apes’ cognitive performance across the same cognitive scales.
I have watched ravens and crows — the Corvids — in wildly variegated domains: desert, thick forest, snow field, urban alley, lakeshore, beach dune, roof-top. These ever-alert songbirds seem to continually sense a surrounding multiverse and with astute ability and distinct personality respond accordingly.
In this time of humans living with a compulsively accelerating planet, the list of losses and fears lengthens and expands sideways. In the post-hominid era, many species will emerge resilient. Raven, the Trickster of the Pacific Northwest, clearly among them.
[2] Ravens parallel great apes in physical and social cognitive skills.
10 December 2020
William Kittredge, 1932-2020
Warner Valley, tucked against an enormous reach of Great Basin sagebrush and lava rock desert in southeastern Oregon and northern Nevada, is a hidden world. Landlocked waters flow from snowy mountains to the west but don't find a way out to the sea. ... Warner Valley is the main staging ground for my imagination.
—William Kittredge, 1999, in Taking Care: Thoughts on Storytelling and Belief
01 December 2020
Monolith discovered Oregon Cascades!
Monolith discovered Oregon Cascades! (AP, Dec 1.)
Fieldwork, applying a computational photography technique, Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), has demonstrated this “object” is composed of a metallic oxide of Aurum (gold), unknown on Earth.
Meteoritic origin is a presumed, after initial analysis, or perhaps delivered to Earth by asteroid impacts during a heavy bombardment. Conversely, a planetesimal origin is possible, since these solid objects exist in protoplanetary disks and debris disks. Without contacting or removing it, dubbed Mazama Monolith, mass, depth and impact trajectory are not known.
An XREF remote digital scan of the interior revealed rippling and fragmentation that may have occurred as the object entered the Earth’s dense nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. No radioactivity has been recorded, though sensors are monitoring anomalous vibrations in continuous emission.
A second now-popular hypothesis: the object was placed by an alien species, with various intents and purposes, remains highly speculative. Two other “theories" lacking credibility, here so noted: one, the "shamanic” theory, the monolith is a virtual creation, a holographic thought-wave, hence explaining how it changes color and dimension as one shifts position; two, the “marxist” theory, the object is a remnant of 20th century logging debris.
This remarkable object, happened upon by intrepid avocational petroglyph researchers is in a remote, nearly inaccessible region of basaltic lava fields located within the ash-fall circumference of Mt. Mazama. These intrepids wish to remain anonymous.
Other artifacts very recently discovered in the vicinity, now sequestered by the U.S. Air Force Unknown Found Objects (U.F.O.) unit from Nevada, indicate all options must remain open at this time. This is not art — it’s just good science.
What is known is this: the Mazama Monolith is certainly Not a sound-stage studio production as was the faked Utah monument, appearing and disappearing in its fifteen-minute blitz of fame — this is the Real Thing, in place since time immemorial some might say.
11 November 2020
A Land & The Book of Unconformities
ground—emulsified—petrified—gradations stations seams—such as the world. Or time. Sintering, fusing. Such that the thing before you appears whole. Is whole. Also holy.
—Jorie Graham, from The Enmeshments in Fast (2017)
In each book — A Land & The Book of Unconformities — the writer considers the passionate human relationship with stone, rock, the Earth. Deeper, the shifting relationship of the evolving, living, planet to the human endeavor.
Anthropologist Hugh Raffles, who grew up in London and lives in New York City, writing in The Book of Unconformities: Speculations on Lost Time (2020): Stone persists, perhaps for eternity, requiring only to be animated. The frustration is that this archaeological animation—ultimately simply the rediscovery of the animating principles of its time—relies on the conceptual and theoretical repertoire of our own time … a repertoire too distant and disenchanted for the task. Still, this is the alluring gap that these stones open, evidence, but refuse to fill …
CLICK on any photo to enlarge
Images. Isle of Arran, western Scotland. Photos by Douglas Beauchamp, Spring 2019.
—Standing Stone, Machrie Moor
—Cupules, surface detail of the Standing Stone, above
—Standing Stone, Machrie Moor
—Old Graveyard, originally associated with Glenshurig church (demolished in 1931), near Brodick. Mesolithic (8000 years bp) occupation is documented at Glenshurig, Machrie Moor, and several other sites in Arran.
—Stronach Ridge, Cup-and-Ring Marked Bedrock (detail), Isle of Arran. A mile walk into Stronach Wood from the Glenshurig area,
—Standing Stone, Doon (Fort), on Drumadoon Point, a headland north Blackwaterfoot, Isle of Arran. This upright stone is the only visible feature in the 12-acre fort, the largest on Arran, encompassed by cliffs and a running wall.
31 October 2020
GHOST: Shadow and Simile
Jacquetta Hawkes: Every living creature among us has taken an irrevocable step between the beginning of this sentence and its end.
Though it has duration, the sentence above is not about time. It is an image-sign. Like a shadow — absence relying on a presence. Real, but contingent. Like Ghost, an image-sign, like a shadow obedient to a presence. One ruminates, of what? The answer, ambiguous, eludes; slides away, a trace, beckoning.
An ever-present shadow abiding, an unhurried soul, inevitable. Like art itself, always a shadow, a revelation, invisible until a transpiring and, as one consents, it glides across the threshold. It crosses, they say, and some return, eliding, their tidings oblique.
James Hillman: Three dimensions become two as the perspective of nature, flesh, and matter fall away, leaving an existence of immaterial, mirrorlike images, eidola. We are in the land of the soul.
— Petroglyph image on basalt, Lake County OR Oct2020.
— Graffiti Ghost, Spray paint. Ghost (def.): Lingering image from removed graffiti. Eugene OR 2020
— Skeletal Spectral, Mixed-media, Eugene OR Oct2020
— Eidolon, Ink and Water on Rice Paper (detail), Douglas Beauchamp 1973
—Jacquetta Hawkes (1910-1996), a distinguished English archaeologist. from A Land (1950). Robert Macfarlane in Landmarks (2016) devotes a chapter “Stone-Books” to Hawkes.
— James Hillman, The Dream and the Underworld (1979)
23 October 2020
America is a concept
Q: Are you saying that America represents the ideal of democracy?
B: No, the simulation of power. … All our values are simulated. What is freedom? We have a choice between buying one car or buying another car? It’s a simulation of freedom.
09 October 2020
VEXICON: Signs of the Times
The night is an open book.
But the world beyond the night remains a mystery.
-- Louise Glück, from her poem Before The Storm, in A Village Life, 2009.
Vexicon: Image becoming communal.
Public signs and signings agitate, warn, command, envision.
Signs ephemeral stand forth with anger, hope, demand.
Signs direct and mis-direct, dictate, enchant.
The night is an open book … but the world beyond …
PHOTOS: Being random recordings situated in Eugene Oregon by the author adrift with iPhoneXR. March-October 2020. Photos above: Hands on Street at US Federal Courthouse; Graf-Mask; Greta on Willamette River Bikeway; Lincoln Street Rose
Link to album: VEXICON: Signs of the Times
Vexicon entwines with her brother Lexicon, seeding, as in the old ways...
keep 6 feet/maintain 6 feet
wildfire smoke hazardous
social distancing/physical distancing
Black Lines Matter
Seat Closed
love and lightning
at your own risk
on Zoom
Silence is compliance
For President
things to expect
19 September 2020
SIMULACRA: A la playa
06 September 2020
Picture Rock Pass: Angle of Suppose