31 December 2021

VEXICON 4: Desire Anyway

leave something

Desire is involved with the not yet and, at times, the not anymore. In many desire-based texts there is a ghostly, remnant quality to desire, its existence not contained to the body but still derived of the body. Desire is about longing, about a present that is enriched by both the past and the future. It is integral to our humanness.  — Eve Tuck

Axis Mundi

Through most of my life I would have interpreted the growth of the prison system and the diminution of the commitment to public education as evidence of how California had "changed." Only recently did I come to see them as the opposite, evidence of how California had "not changed," and to understand "change" itself as one of the culture's most enduring misunderstandings about itself.  — Joan Didion (1934-2021)

and I promise
Out Of Order
not allowed without the written

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose,

And nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free,

— Kris Kristofferson

Love is composed
THought I MIght
Outline RED

VEXICON drifts freely among the public Lexicon: signals from the edge of center, 2020-2021.  VEXICON 4: Eugene Oregon Jul-Dec 2021.  Previous VEXICONICS on this blog: Oct 9 2020, Jan 25 2021, Jul 2 2021. In ordinary revelation truth be told. 


— In memory of Joan Didion (1934-2021). Above excerpt from Where I Was From (2003)  

Eve Tuck, from Suspending Damage in Harvard Educational Review (2009) evetuck.com

Kris Kristofferson.  According to the Rolling Stone, Kristofferson was inspired to write “Me And Bobby Mcgee” after seeing Federico Fellini’s 1954 film La Strada, Italian for "the road.”

And the time will come when you see we're all one

And life flows on within you and without you

— George Harrison

20 December 2021

EDGES: Being Solstice

Edges::Becoming Solstice::White River SE Nevada

Consider Charles Foster’s wonderment:

The winter is the time of palpable edges: viable/doomed; black/white. Tree spikes stab the wind. In fact, everything in the natural world is about edges. … Yes, there is a whole, but a whole that's complete only because of the vibrant individuation; because of the edges. 

… We think that we're in a fast-changing world. Well, perhaps, but humans aren't changing in the way that the Upper Palaeolithic changed us. What we think of now as change is angst and dissolution. The changes on our watch are not the multiplication and refinement of nuance or the deepening of understanding. They are acts of vandalism: the spoliation of things, places and modes of being that are ontologically superior to us. 


Charles Foster.  Being A Human: Adventures in Forty Thousand Years of Consciousness.

2021. p69-70

06 December 2021

Glyphland: A maze-like journey

“Rock inscriptions at Roosevelt, Washington, except for one maze-like inscription covering several square feet of rock surface, are nondescript and have apparently little value as an archeological key.” — Herbert Krieger, Ethnologist, 1927 Columbia River survey for the Smithsonian
Glyphland: The strange story of a century of speculation and promotion, and the unlikely journey of the Roosevelt, Washington, petroglyphs.

In sum…
In the early 1920s an Oregon newspaper announced discovery of “Picture Writings” near Roosevelt, Washington, on the Columbia River. A popular 1921 volume, Oregon, provided drawings of petroglyphs from the site. In 1928-1929 The Oregon State Motor Association promoted it as destination for vacationers, via ferry from Arlington, Oregon.
Thus began “Glyphland” and nine decades speculation, promotion, displacement, and documentation. The John Day Dam project in the 1950s and 1960s sparked relocation of 27 of the riverside basalt boulders to a civic park near Roosevelt. After forty years and visits by thousands, neglect motivated a 2003 move under the auspices of the Army Corps of Engineers, in consultation with tribal and park representatives, to Horsethief State Park (now Columbia Hills), across from The Dalles, Oregon. 
In 2012 these 27 boulders, cleaned then moved again, joined other petroglyphs displaced by The Dalles Dam in the 1950s to become part of the Temani Pesh-wa Trail. Today this display, along with the nearby Tsagiglalal petroglyph, is a popular heritage attraction.
"maze-like" boulder situated at Horsethief State Park since 2012 -- its fourth move since the 1960s.
(Figures lower right also originally from Columbia River near Roosevelt.)