Look closely into the lower half of this older figure. A series of precise incisings -- horizontal, vertical, diagonal. This type of linear marking-into-stone appears some places in the Northern Great Basin and in Owyhee country.
Various rock surfaces show a rangeof petroglyph intentions and styles. Look at the rock face upper left. Moving closer in the photo below. An elongated figure. Notable, incisings in the lower area. Especially the intense repetitive cross-hatching, see close-up, following.


A clear, minimal figuration, lightly marked. Looking closely, one imagines "eyes" in the "head" -- natural, shallow depressions -- intentionally embodied by the carver? A looking-out and beyond... and through you, the transient viewer.

Lower right, another appearance of repetitive incisings. Perhaps the performative act was of primary importance; the resulting image an artifact. One wonders.
Below, three other rock faces at this place -- a baffling and intriguing variety of designs and elusive meanings.

Below, three other rock faces at this place -- a baffling and intriguing variety of designs and elusive meanings.

Photos April 2024, Northern Great Basin, near the arbitrary political partitioning of Oregon, California and Nevada (42nd Parallel in 1819; 120th Meridian in 1849). These resident petroglyphs older and deeply responsive to seasons and terrain.